Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
113 lines
Option Explicit
Const COLOR_DARKGREY = &H808080
' Assume the Scalemode of the form is PIXEL
Sub Frame (fTop As Integer, fLeft As Integer, fHeight As Integer, fWidth As Integer, fCaption As Control)
Dim fBottom As Integer
Dim fRight As Integer
Dim F As Form
Set F = fCaption.Parent
fBottom = fTop + fHeight
fRight = fLeft + fWidth
F.Line (fLeft + 1, fTop + 1)-(fRight, fBottom), COLOR_WHITE, B
F.Line (fLeft, fTop)-(fRight - 1, fBottom - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
F.Line (fLeft, fBottom)-(fRight, fBottom), COLOR_WHITE
F.Line (fRight, fTop)-(fRight, fBottom), COLOR_WHITE
End Sub
' Inset a control on a form
Sub Indent (C As Control)
Dim SM As Integer
Dim F As Form
Set F = C.Parent
SM = F.ScaleMode
F.ScaleMode = 3
F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
F.ScaleMode = SM
End Sub
' Use this where the Control "C" is contained within "Container"
Sub IndentControl (C As Control, Container As Control)
Container.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
Container.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
Container.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
Container.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
End Sub
Sub IndentLabel (C As Control, Parent As Integer)
Dim X As Integer
Dim F As Form
Dim PB As Control ' Probably a PictureBox
Dim Is_A_Form As Integer
If C.Parent.hWnd = Parent Then Is_A_Form = True
C.BorderStyle = 0
Set F = C.Parent
If Is_A_Form Then
F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height), COLOR_DARKGREY
F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height), COLOR_WHITE
F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height), COLOR_WHITE
On Local Error Resume Next ' Controls may not have a hwnd property
For X = 0 To F.Controls.Count - 1
If F.Controls(X).hWnd = Parent Then
Set PB = F.Controls(X)
Exit For
End If
PB.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
PB.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top), COLOR_DARKGREY
PB.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
PB.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
End If
End Sub
' Give the statusbar a 3d look
Sub RaiseBar (P As PictureBox)
If P.Align = 1 Then P.Line (0, 0)-(P.ScaleWidth - 1, P.ScaleHeight - 1), 0&, B
P.Line (1, P.ScaleHeight - 2)-(P.ScaleWidth - 1, P.ScaleHeight - 2), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
P.Line (1, 0)-(P.ScaleWidth - 1, 0), COLOR_WHITE
P.Line (1, 1)-(1, P.ScaleHeight - 1), COLOR_WHITE
End Sub
' Give a form a 3d look
Sub Raiseform (F As Form)
Dim SM As Integer
Dim SH As Single
Dim SW As Single
Dim X As Integer
Dim y As Integer
SM = F.ScaleMode
F.ScaleMode = 3
SW = F.ScaleWidth
SH = F.ScaleHeight
If F.BorderStyle Then
F.Line (X, y)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
F.Line (0, 0)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), 0&, B
X = 1
y = 1
F.Line (X, y)-(SW - 2, SH - 2), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
End If
F.Line (X, y)-(SW - 1, y), COLOR_WHITE
F.Line (X, y)-(X, SH - 1), COLOR_WHITE
F.ScaleMode = SM
End Sub