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- Option Explicit
- Const COLOR_DARKGREY = &H808080
- '
- ' Assume the Scalemode of the form is PIXEL
- '
- Sub Frame (fTop As Integer, fLeft As Integer, fHeight As Integer, fWidth As Integer, fCaption As Control)
- Dim fBottom As Integer
- Dim fRight As Integer
- Dim F As Form
- Set F = fCaption.Parent
- fBottom = fTop + fHeight
- fRight = fLeft + fWidth
- F.Line (fLeft + 1, fTop + 1)-(fRight, fBottom), COLOR_WHITE, B
- F.Line (fLeft, fTop)-(fRight - 1, fBottom - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
- F.Line (fLeft, fBottom)-(fRight, fBottom), COLOR_WHITE
- F.Line (fRight, fTop)-(fRight, fBottom), COLOR_WHITE
- fCaption.ZOrder
- End Sub
- '
- ' Inset a control on a form
- '
- Sub Indent (C As Control)
- Dim SM As Integer
- Dim F As Form
- Set F = C.Parent
- SM = F.ScaleMode
- F.ScaleMode = 3
- F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
- F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
- F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
- F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
- F.ScaleMode = SM
- End Sub
- '
- ' Use this where the Control "C" is contained within "Container"
- '
- Sub IndentControl (C As Control, Container As Control)
- Container.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
- Container.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
- Container.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
- Container.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
- End Sub
- Sub IndentLabel (C As Control, Parent As Integer)
- Dim X As Integer
- Dim F As Form
- Dim PB As Control ' Probably a PictureBox
- Dim Is_A_Form As Integer
- If C.Parent.hWnd = Parent Then Is_A_Form = True
- C.BorderStyle = 0
- Set F = C.Parent
- If Is_A_Form Then
- F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height), COLOR_DARKGREY
- F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
- F.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height), COLOR_WHITE
- F.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top - 1 + C.Height), COLOR_WHITE
- Else
- On Local Error Resume Next ' Controls may not have a hwnd property
- For X = 0 To F.Controls.Count - 1
- If F.Controls(X).hWnd = Parent Then
- Set PB = F.Controls(X)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- PB.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_DARKGREY
- PB.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top)-(C.Left - 1, C.Top), COLOR_DARKGREY
- PB.Line (C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
- PB.Line (C.Left - 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1)-(C.Left + C.Width + 1, C.Top + C.Height + 1), COLOR_WHITE
- End If
- End Sub
- '
- ' Give the statusbar a 3d look
- '
- Sub RaiseBar (P As PictureBox)
- If P.Align = 1 Then P.Line (0, 0)-(P.ScaleWidth - 1, P.ScaleHeight - 1), 0&, B
- P.Line (1, P.ScaleHeight - 2)-(P.ScaleWidth - 1, P.ScaleHeight - 2), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
- P.Line (1, 0)-(P.ScaleWidth - 1, 0), COLOR_WHITE
- P.Line (1, 1)-(1, P.ScaleHeight - 1), COLOR_WHITE
- End Sub
- '
- ' Give a form a 3d look
- '
- Sub Raiseform (F As Form)
- Dim SM As Integer
- Dim SH As Single
- Dim SW As Single
- Dim X As Integer
- Dim y As Integer
- SM = F.ScaleMode
- F.ScaleMode = 3
- SW = F.ScaleWidth
- SH = F.ScaleHeight
- If F.BorderStyle Then
- F.Line (X, y)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
- Else
- F.Line (0, 0)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), 0&, B
- X = 1
- y = 1
- F.Line (X, y)-(SW - 2, SH - 2), COLOR_DARKGREY, B
- End If
- F.Line (X, y)-(SW - 1, y), COLOR_WHITE
- F.Line (X, y)-(X, SH - 1), COLOR_WHITE
- F.ScaleMode = SM
- End Sub